Celebrating 5 Years
+ a very anticipated launch (at least by me).
Hi hello hello hi hey there, it’s me! Who else would it be?
Somehow, five years have gone by since I started this blog, and during this time I’ve gone on more adventures than I ever anticipated I would. With family, friends, my partner, and quite a few by myself. I’ve eaten at high-end restaurants and sitting on a rock in the middle of the forest, and I’ve enjoyed each and every experience in equal measure.
So I just want to say: Thank you. Thank you for reading my endless ramblings, thank you for enjoying my photos, thank you for cheering me on when I felt like I couldn’t keep going, and thank you for supporting me in all my antics.
This was always a passion project for me, and it’s been a (welcome) surprise to see how much it has grown over the years. I have no intention of dropping it any time soon, so expect many more stories for years to come (even if it takes me forever to get through my hundreds of drafts).
That being said, it’s also about time I push myself a little more to keep growing, plus, ya girl has got to eat (and travel!). Sooooo, allow me to introduce:
In true trading post spirit, here you’ll find fun, whimsical knickknacks ranging from notebooks and prints to stickers and keychains, and a little bit of everything in between, all inspired by food, travel, and the magic of adventure✨
My little shop is live, but expect many changes here and there while I find my footing on this new adventure.
Last but not least, I’ll leave you with some pictures from the tiny celebration I held for the blog + a preview of what you’ll find at the trading post.
So yeah, thank you for sticking around!